Finance ABC 15th sequence over the modernization as part of the pricing

podcasts baufinanzierung
A lot of customers ask here: Why? First, every bank is different. One part of the credit decision is the eveluation of the real estate. In the case of an older one, might be it is not financiable without modernization - since this enables the bank for better evaluation. On the other hand, the modernization costs a lot, which has to be financed on top. One bank evealuate a modernization with 100%, another once with 20%. Secondly, who is handling the modernization? Are you able to handle things by yourself, it costs only the material, might be you can bring your "Muskelhypothek" - usual a bank does not accept it, if you are a tax-lawyer in your real life. Or you have friends who help you - a quite difficult topic, since bank will not finance undeclared work. Third, a lot of banks do not finance too high modernization - in relation to the purchase price. You have additional questions, just contact me.


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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 04.04.2022 veröffentlicht von:
Sabine Krauß

aus Mannheim

4,9 (325)

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