Finance ABC 16th sequence over the area as part of the pricing

podcasts baufinanzierung
One of the main point for the choice of a real estate object are the 4 "Ls" - Location, Location, Location. This also triggers the eveluation of the bank. Do you have a better eveluation, you might get a better pricing, or even better - it is doable or not doable. This is also very important for the 3rd part usebility - and for a capital investment - for the chances of a 3rd part re-sale after 10 years for example. You are curious? Just listen to the podcast, or for further question, get in touch with me.


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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 19.04.2022 veröffentlicht von:
Sabine Krauß

aus Mannheim

4,9 (325)

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